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Need to know


A note from a parent or guardian must accompany every child on his/her return to school after an absence.  A child who has been ill for 5 days or more should report to the nurse's office for re-admittance upon arrival at school.


Dress Code

While these is no formal dress code/uniform policy, students must adhere to the following rules:

- Closed toe shoes and socks must be worn at all times

- Sandals not permitted

- Gang-like attire (i.e. baggy pants, lowered waistbands, inappropriate t-shirts), and expensive jewelry and/or dangling/hppp earrings are not permitted

- School Board policy allows for students to wear hats and/or dark glasses for ourdoor sun protection, but not in the classroom.


Dress Code

Read the LAUSD memorandum regarding safe storage of firearms.



A detailed LAUSD homework policy statement is available in the from office. Here is a relevant excerpt: While homework may be scheduled over an extended period of time that may include weekends and vacations, homework will be assigned for a minimum of four days a week (Monday through Thursday). The average time needed for completion of homework assignments per day varies according to grade level.

Kindergarten: 15 to 20 minutes

Grades 1 & 2: 20 to 35 minutes

Grades 3 & 4: 35 to 45 minutes

Grade 5: 50 to 60 minute

In addition, students are expected to read or be read to for a minimum of 15 minutes daily.


Inappropriate school items

As detailed in the Standards of Conduct, the following items are inappropriate for school: gum, candy, soda, toys, trading cards, radios, game boys, etc. Also students are not allowed to use cell phones during the school day.


Makeup assignments

Students with excused absences must be given the opportunity to complete the missed classroom work, homework or test with other equivalent assignments and must be given credit equal to that would have received on the original assignment or test for the same quality of work.



As detailed in the Standards of Conduct, consequences for misbehavior vary with the severity of the action. When a verbal warning is not sufficient, students may be given a time out, asked to write letters to parents, sent to office,m and/or have parents contacted immediately. Severe infractions, such as fighting, destroying property or possession of illegal items, will result in administrative intervention.


In mid-November your child's teacher will schedule a private conference to discuss your child's progress.  You will also have the option to schedule a second conference in the Spring.  If you have concerns, you are welcome to schedule a conference at any time during the year.


room parents

Room parents coordinate with the teachers to help with a variety of class needs and coordinate parent volunteers as teachers require. Need to find your Room Parent? Check in with your child's teacher.


school committees

Parents are invited to get involved in making essential decisions that affect Castle Heights as part of the following committees: the Local School Leadership Council (LSLC) is a collaborative group made up of the school's stakeholders including teachers, staff, and parent representatives.  This council discusses student activities, school environment, general fund school budgets, student discipline and behavior, curriculum and instruction, selection of certificated staff and school-wide classifies staff, along with parent education and involvement, The LSLC usually meets on the third Thursday of each month at 3:00 pm via zoom. (See calendar entries for zoom code.) Contact the school office for more information: 310-839-4528.


The purpose of The Bilingual Education Program is to provide eligible students the opportunity to acquire language skills in English necessary for their successful participation in an English-only instructional program. This is accomplished through various structured immersion models and primary language support. Students are transitioned into an English-only program when they meet established criteria. Contact the school office for more information: 310-839-4528.

















Title IX & Nondiscrimination

Here is information about our Complaint Manager in case of discrimination complaints:  Linda Beck, 310-839-4528,

Title IX and NonDiscrimination

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Castle Heights Elementary School

9755 Cattaraugus Avenue

Los Angeles  CA  90034


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