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The Heights headlines

The Heights Headlines is the first bilingual newspaper of Castle Heights Elementary School. It is written by Room 28, which is the first graduating World Language Immersion class of Castle Heights. In The Heights Headlines, we write about both news happening in school and outside of school, such as holidays and studies. We also have different sections with each talking about subjects, like food, entertainment, technology, and sports. Each of these sections and the newspaper are written and translated 100% by students while being proofread by the editor, parents, and teacher of the class. This is a fun and interactive way to do ELA and SLA and it brings our class closer together. And it’s in English and Spanish! The Heights Headlines is the pride and joy of our class, and we hope everyone enjoys the newspaper as much as we do.


Los Heights Headlines es el primer periódico bilingüe de Castle Heights Elementary School. Está escrito en Room 28, que es la primera clase bilingüe que va a licenciarse. En el Heights Headlines, escribimos sobre los eventos que pasean en la escuela y en el mundo real, como las fiestas y los estudios. Tenemos también secciones diferentes que hablan de temas como comida, entretenimiento, deporte y tecnología. Cada sector y el periodico son escritos y traducidos 100% para estudiantes, y son corregidos por el editor, padres y la maestra. Esta es una divertida e interactiva forma de hacer ELA y SLA y acerca a nuestra clase. Y es en Ingles y Espanol! Los Heights Headlines es el orgullo y alegría de nuestra clase, y esperamos que todo el mundo lo disfrute tanto como nosotros.

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Castle Heights Elementary School

9755 Cattaraugus Avenue

Los Angeles  CA  90034


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